Looking for a fair split for your property, assets or money?
An opportunity for both of you to reach a sensible arrangement you can live with...
This style of Mediation is deliberately designed to offer you and your family the chance to reach an amicable and fair agreement about your finances assets and property following a separation or divorce.
The mediation process usually takes between two and four meetings depending upon the complexity of your financial situation.
It helps if you can provide as much detailed information and documentation as possible regarding your mortgages, house valuations, insurance/endowment policies, your pensions, and any other investments you may have.
We will also need to know about any outstanding debts.
The more information you provide of your current financial situation; the more we can help you to think more clearly about the future. Rest assured, your expert Mediator will support you and your ex in identifying what is needed within the mediation process.
The 4 Step Financial Mediation Process
Step 1
Initial Meeting with Mediator (MIAMS)
The first meeting where both parties meet separately with one of our mediators - commonly known as a MIAM. This provides you with the opportunity to find out how mediation can work for you and your family and introduce the concept of financial disclosure. This meeting usually lasts between 45 minutes and 1 hour.
Step 2
Both agree to Mediate
The first mediation session is the where we will explain how financial mediation works, the rules of confidentiality, and the requirement for the provision of full financial information with supporting documentation to verify this. We'll also look to identify whether or not there is other information such as financial advice to be obtained for Step 3.
Step 3
Exploring your options
During this session we will make sure you are both satisfied with the financial information produced. Once this has been done, we will then look to identify your respective financial aspirations and proposals and work through each of them to see how they look practically, financially and from a legal perspective.
Step 4
Finding a fair settlement
After the options have been explored, we will help you both to concentrate on the fairest outcome. Putting aside emotions, we'll explore acceptable areas of compromise, review the consequences of no agreement, and objectively help you to focus on your financial security and agree how that is to be recorded and implemented.
Looking for more information on our 4-step financial mediation process?
Call us today on 0151 318 1128
Frequently Asked Questions
A: No. Only the parties privy to the dispute attend the mediation process unless both agree to a third-party attending such as; a financial advisor.
A: We will work with you to ensure that you are both happy with the financial information provided in Mediation. If you are adamant there is a obvious discrepancy in your ex-partners disclose, and this is denied, we will explore all options available to you and refer you to seek legal counsel.
A: Mediation is a process deliberately designed to to help you both.
When suggesting Mediation to your ex-partner it is important that you reassure them of your desire to reach an amicable settlement in an environment where both are supported and can learn about your independent legal rights and how they will affect you long term.
You will at all times keep control and ownership of your outcome, we as Mediators are simply there to make this process easier and more transparent for everyone.
A: If you were married, and looking to divorce, then your pension fund is automatically classed as a divisible asset and yes your ex partner is entitled to a percentage of that fund during separation.
However, if you and your ex partner were cohabiting (therefore, not married) then your personal pension funds are not divisible in law but settlement options can be explored (including pensions) if you both agree.
A: This could depend upon whether or not you are married and whether or not you have children.
There are many factors that need to be considered, one of which being, would this be financially affordable for you? Ultimately, if this is an option you are both wanting to explore in Mediation, then we will help you to hopefully find a way to achieve this.
Need more answers?
Call today on
0151 318 1128
10 Benefits of Money & Property Mediation
- Property Mediation provides a fast, cost effective way of resolving financial worries arising upon a separation without the need to go to court
- Our mediation process enables you to explore all financial options available to you to help you prioritise what is best for your future
- Our process helps you to follow a legal process but without the formality of courts and lawyers
- The cost of mediation on average will be less than a third of ANY legal process
- Our qualified professional mediators are experienced and sensitive to both of your needs and hopes for the future

- Mediation can help you to seek a financial settlement in weeks rather than months
- Financial mediation will help you to understand your financial affairs and gain confidence to be independent in the future
- Property and Money mediation can ease communication, be less stressful and reduce tensions particularly important if you have children
- The financial disclosure produced in mediation can be used as evidence in court so even if mediation breaks down you have still accelerated the legal process
- Mediation is now recommended as the first step prior to entering any courtroom
Looking to speak to a professional today?
Use our online call booking tool to schedule in a quick chat with one of our highly trained Financial Mediation professionals